Burberry’s Happy Lunar New Year digital campaign

As a popular brand for fashion and luxury goods, Burberry found a way to offer a 2016 Chinese New Year experience that highlighted some of their products to their audience in China. Using WeChat, users could shake, swipe, and tap on their phones to unwrap a variety of digital presents. After unwrapping the gifts, they could send digital envelopes to friends and family members. Chinese users were also offered a chance to win one of Burberry’s Lunar New Year prizes when they participated.
The brand did well with this campaign because they wisely chose to use the most popular messaging app in China, WeChat, and they connected the campaign to the holiday with the idea of gifts and digital “lai-see” (ang pao) envelopes. As a further point, it not only worked as a way to connect customers to their brand, but they also used the digital gift unwrapping as a smart way to showcase some of their products.