Grab responded to haters in this genius marketing move

What is it?
In response to a user comment on ride-sharing app Grab’s Instagram, claiming that its OOH ads are “useless”, the Singaporean company devised an idea for their marketing campaigns to be more “useful”. It started distributing complimentary bottles of water to its customers in cars as a small token of appreciation! These bright green boxed waters featured six designs, each with one letter of the word “thanks”. Grab even rewarded customers who collected all six boxed waters with a SG $50 ride voucher. The campaign was a huge success with 9,000 drivers participating and over half a million boxed waters being distributed. This marketing effort has also doubled user engagement on its social media platforms.
Why do we love it?
We love that Grab was able to turn a negative remark into an impactful campaign! Grab also was able to tap into its customers’ needs and provide a solution that no doubt increased brand trust and positivity.