FWD’s brand promise is to change the way people feel about insurance. How? By pioneering themselves as a forward-thinking, tech-savvy business. Set out to shift the stiff perceptions that traditional insurance companies hold.
Getting there required us to transport FWD’s Senior Management and ExCo into the millennial mindset through their the annual conference program. The goals were for senior leadership to better understand the needs, desires, and influences of the audience and to share the CEO’s vision for a forward-thinking and tech-savvy business.
Every year, we gather the leaders of FWD from around Asia for HiVE - a two-day executive conference dedicated to fuel a disruptive mindset, harness the power of innovation and the latest insights to accelerate in today’s customer-centric landscape. All driven around changing the way people feel about insurance.
Rather than just loading up on conference keynotes about the latest trends with millenials. We did things differently. We didn’t just talk the talk, we made them walk the walk. We got FWD to be the first ever insurance company to adopt Facebook at Work – integrated throughout the conference experience. Event apps fuelled a paperless conference and drove further conference engagement with session interactions, questions, and polling.
We were the first to host Sophia Hanson, an AI robot, to drive the debate on whether the future is more human or digital.
Outside the conference, delegates got a taste of the very best in digital technology and the future of health.
Beyond the two-day immersion, HiVE lives on as a digital platform with insights and conference material accessible at any time to help drive the FWD vision forward from top to bottom.
The overall average score for the conference experience was 5.2 out of 6.
Delegates shared positive comments such as:
- Great overall experience! Kudos to the organizers!
- HIVE is getting better than last year in term of Gala dinner and organisation.